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Charles Darwin explained the theory in his famous book origin of species by natural selection.
Over Production:
Struggle for Existence:
Variation in Heredity:
Those organisms that show suitable variations continue to exist and reproduce (Favourable variations) while those that show unfavourable variations are eliminated.
Natural Selection or Survival of Fittest:
In the competition or struggle for existence if an individual is fit for environment it can survive, otherwise if an individual is unfit it is eliminated. This is natural selection.
Formation of New of Species:
DE VRIES (1848-1935) - Mutation theory
Genetic Death: It is important from evolutionary point of view because if an individual die before reproduction, unfavorable genes eliminated from population.
Natural selection is responsible for both maintaining the constancy in species and changing them.
Natural selection is most destructive against those individuals that deviate most widely from the mean and favor those that align most closely to it. This kind of selection is called Stabilizing Selection.
Natural Selection And Population Genetics:
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