Are you a medical student looking for a quick and accurate way to calculate your NUMS aggregate? This article will provide you with an easy to use calculator that uses the approved and official formula to calculate your NUMS Score. Additionally, you can view the formula used by the calculator to calculate the NUMS aggregate.
Calculating your NUMS aggregate is an essential step in assessing your eligibility for NUMS-affiliated medical and dental colleges. This calculator simplifies the process, helping you understand your position based on last year's closing merits. Calculate your NUMS aggregate now:
This tool is designed to make your admissions journey easier and more transparent!
The NUMS Aggregate Calculator helps you determine your eligibility for admission to NUMS Constituent, Affiliated, and Military (Armed Forces) Administered Medical and Dental Colleges. As per the PMDC notification, passing the NUMS test is the key criterion for admission. Use this tool to calculate your aggregate score by entering your SSC, HSSC, and NUMS MDCAT scores.
Students who are aiming to get admission to any medical college that is part of NUMS Constituent or Army Affiliated Medical and Dental Colleges. These students will have given MDCAT for NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences). NUMS is a highly esteemed institution offering Medical and Dental Programs affiliated with the Pakistan Army that conducts its own annual entry test examination called the MDCAT for NUMS.
Many MBBS and BDS students are often confused about how to calculate their NUMS aggregate. This article will share with you the correct formula for how to calculate aggregate for NUMS and estimate your chances of getting admission in your dream medical college.
Your NUMS aggregate will give you an idea of the closing merit of the medical college you are targeting. For example if you are targeting Army Medical College (AMC), Rawalpindi which had a closing merit of 95.63% last year, you will need to score high in NUMS aggregate to get in. Similarly CMH Lahore Medical College had a closing merit of 91.56% and Foundation University Medical College had 88.98% so you will need to aim high to match their merit. Read this article to see what it takes to ace the NUMS test with high marks.
But remember closing merit changes every year based on the number of applicants and their MDCAT scores. Use NUMS aggregate calculator 2024 to see where you stand against these closing merit and identify where you need to improve to cross the minimum required scores of your desired medical college.
If you're looking to estimate your chances of getting admitted to a medical university, including calculating your aggregate score and comparing it with closing merits, the Admission Chances Calculator is the perfect tool for you. By inputting your NUMS aggregate score, you can see how it stacks up against the closing merit thresholds of top medical institutions in Pakistan.
For students gearing up for NUMS MDCAT 2025, make sure to check out the NUMS MDCAT Registration page for all the necessary details.
NUMS aggregate score is calculated according to PMDC’s given formula, and combines multiple scores such as Matric, FSc, and MDCAT for NUMS marks.
The most important part of the NUMS aggregate is your NUMS entry test score, which makes up 50% of your aggregate. So it is crucial that you work very hard on preparing for the NUMS exam so you can improve your score and get a higher aggregate.
Your HSSC/FSc marks are also a big part of your NUMS aggregate score, making up 40% of the aggregate. Thus, you should also get good marks in your FSc exams so you can get a higher score, allowing you to reach the medical university of your choice.
Your SSC/Matric marks form the remaining 10% of your NUMS aggregate score.
To summarize, this is how to calculate NUMS aggregate score:
NUMS Marks = 50%
HSSC/FSc Marks = 40%
SSC/Matric Marks = 10%
([SSC/Matric Marks/1100] x 0.1) + ([HSSC/FSC Marks/1100] x 0.4) + ([MDCAT for NUMS Score/150] x 0.5)
By using the above NUMS aggregate formula 2024, you can easily find out your NUMS aggregate which will make you eligible for NUMS Constituent, Affiliated, and all Military (Armed Forces) Administered Medical and Dental Colleges. This is an aggregate calculator for MBBS and BDS students — you can use it to get an accurate aggregate score.
Let’s take an example of a student who has received scores for all components of NUMS aggregate. Their results were 130/150 in the NUMS exam, 1050/1100 in FSc and 1070/1100 in SSC/Matric.
In the above example, your final aggregate is 91.25% which you can use to get an idea about what closing merit you should aim for according to which medical college you want to get admission in.
As you can see, this is a quick and simple way for students like yourself to calculate your NUMS aggregate score. By using the NUMS aggregate calculator, you have an idea of what NUMS score you need to be able to be above the closing merit of your dream medical college. If you also want to calculate PMDC MDCAT aggregate, click here.
Achieving a competitive NUMS aggregte is critical for admission into top tier medical colleges. Here are some actionable tips to boost your aggregate:
Understanding your NUMS aggregate score in the context of closing merits from previous years is vital for setting realistic admission goals. Here's how to analyze the trends:
Even a minor error in calculation can lead to incorrect conclusions about your admission prospects. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:
Avoiding these errors can save you from unnecessary stress and give you a clear picture of your admission chances.
Falling short of the closing merit isn’t the end of the road. Here’s how you can still pursue your dream of becoming a medical professional:
By staying determined and exploring all options, you can still achieve your career goals in medicine or allied health sciences.
Why is the NUMS Aggregate Important?
Your NUMS aggregate determines your eligibility for admissions into NUMS Constituent, Affiliated, and Military Administered Medical and Dental Colleges. NUMS is a prestigious institution known for its affiliation with the Pakistan Army, offering world-class education and training.
The aggregate formula ensures a fair evaluation of candidates by combining scores from Matric, FSc, and the NUMS MDCAT exam. This balanced approach highlights the importance of consistent academic performance and test readiness. Want to know how to apply to NUMS-affiliated medical colleges? Here’s a step-by-step guide.
NUMS (National University of Medical Sciences). NUMS is a highly esteemed institution offering Medical and Dental Programs affiliated with the Pakistan Army that conducts its own annual entry test examination called the MDCAT for NUMS.
There are a total of 150 MCQs divided across multiple subjects. Details can be found here: NUMS MDCAT 2024 Syllabus
The merit calculation for PMDC MDCAT is similar to that of NUMS. Click here to learn how to calculate aggregate for PMDC MDCAT.
The merit calculation formula for MDCAT is 50% test score, 40% intermediate score, and 10% matric score.
As per NUMS website, for admission on open merit seats:
Minimum 70% marks, in HSSC or F.Sc (Pre-medical) or equivalent examination having minimum twelve years of education and minimum 60% marks, in entrance test.
A student who scores 85% and above makrs in any subject shall qualify for distinction in that particular subject.
Students generally need a minimum of 60% marks in intermediate to be eligible to apply for MBBS. Some universities might employ higher threshold, it is important to check the university requirements before applying.
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